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ikaroll 3 months ago

you just reminded me that spacehey exists lol. i tried using it as a blogging site for a bit but it didn't really work out for me much tbh

catcakes 3 months ago

the kind of tag(? the colorful buttons on your blogpage idk what to call them) system there is really neat for one. for two i really resonate with your last statement on your blog there...ive had a hard time on the internet cause i feel like i HAVE to do certain stuff and all that...but again we can start our own life on the internet and have fun w it (ノ・∀・)ノ yaay

aioi 3 months ago

@ ikaroll .. YEAH!! I blogged for a good year but it's been getting especially obnoxious and borderline unusable these days.. i'd rather my blogs actually be seen ( ; ω ; )

aioi 3 months ago

and @ catcakes!! THANK YOU i'm really happy with them!! I'm glad it could resonate with you!! neocities makes me think a bit of farms or people i know who try and sustain themselves wholly like that .. not easy, but when it's for you, you sure do benefit from it so so much .. (´-ω-`)

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CreatedDec 9, 2023
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