Anoles, Quails, And Maybe Cattails

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Your site is amazing and really informative on all these different topics. It's so much fun to read! Also, I couldn't reply to the comment you made on my site, (I'm not sure why, the option to do so just wasn't there.) but my favored choices when it comes to aquariums are peaceful schoolers and invertebrates. Everybody gets along!
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anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

I'm so glad you enjoy my site! And those do seem like good options for community tanks. I've seen people keep female bettas in community tanks, but they are still a bit mean to the other creatures. Little fish like tetras, and creatures like inverts are definetely better choices for community tanks. Also, I was thinking you might like SerpaDesign on YouTube. Have you watched him before?

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anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

Also, I just saw your microbiome watercolor. It is beautiful! Diatoms are one of my favorite microbiota. Maybe I'll have a page on microorganisms.

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedSep 16, 2022
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reptiles quail outdoors anoles nature