Ballad of The Gods

1,002 updates
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No, I did not forget about this site and the update is coming out. I have not died yet but I am close to death. Well thank god this update is almost done.
Hello everyone, I'm very sorry however because I was such a genius who totally is a professional game developer and not a crayon-munching doofus, I accidentaly uploaded broken code. I am sorry my brain is so unbelieveably tiny, and I was focused on text compression things. I have updated early, and by early I mean about 1 and a half weeks later than the scedule that I was supposed to follow.
Wow, I made a big mistake
So i've just seen that they got rid of the follow notifs for site updates, I don't really get a lot of utility out of it, but I think it should be an option to leave that on. Like imagine a little checkbox by the "follow" button on ppl's neocities that acitivates notifs.

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedJun 10, 2022
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