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Found this from a follower's comment, looks very cool!! ;P
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OMG I love the wii cursor and cursor trail so much!!!!
dude the main page is SO impressive holy hell
dabric 5 months ago

thanks, and thats more of a placeholder lol :). there's an older one with more to do here:

1 like
slaid 5 months ago

can I ask how long it took??? the old site is just as impressive

dabric 5 months ago

the currently live version took ~6 months

1 like
slaid 5 months ago

insanely cool man, can't wait to keep up with your site

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Dabric was updated.
5 months ago
wait neocities just removed me saying "< head >" with no spaces. does it support html? test
dabric 5 months ago

bruh it just removes any html tags detected, as i surrounded "test" with strong tags and now its gone. lmao. why not just use entities instead of flat out removing it?

fyi: neocities now injects open graph meta tags into your head if the user agent is detected as a bot, even if you already have existing open graph tags. if bots will have an issue with this, idk, but i dont like not having complete control over my html :(
owlroost 5 months ago

Went poking around in recent commits and this doesn't seem to be a new change, so this has been in the codebase for at least a month (likely more). Makes me wonder what happened to set it off for you.

dabric 5 months ago

owlroost tbh idk; ive seen the embeds on discord for other websites but didn't think of it much until now lol. but no one else seemed to mention it by that time so...

dabric 5 months ago

also testing it a bit more and it does cause issues. discord uses the first occurance and signal uses the last, so on discord you'll get the embed you want, but on signal its always the one neocities generates. cuz of the conflict, ive opened a github issue for it:

1 like
owlroost 5 months ago

Huh, interesting. I hope you get a response on this- I'm with you on disliking the loss of control over your own tags. At the least, I'd prefer not overriding existing tags.

1 like
i appreciate the new followers but its kinda random. where is everyone coming from? :)
Dabric was updated.
6 months ago
the browser arc exposing the user's theme via css variables is neat and it would be cool if something like that was standardized in css. however, it seems like it would make it way easier to track someone with it
looking forward to the mario kart 8 deluxe course booster pass final wave coming out thursday

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CreatedFeb 16, 2020
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