frog pond blues

836 updates
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frogpondblues 1 year ago

new pixels! do NOT ask me how long i spent on frankenstein's creature, lmao

paintkiller 1 year ago

Tattoo therapy!

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anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

What an aesthetically pleasing format! The soft pinks all go so nicely together.

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frogpondblues 1 year ago

oh, thank you so much! i'm not great at doing fancy CSS, so i try to make up for it by getting those really good colors going :D

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frogpondblues 1 year ago

for my first treat: the worst treat

frogpondblues 1 year ago

and also a full page of late 90s to ~2010 halloween/otherwise spooky adoptables i found in my old-web crawling!

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pixelglade 1 year ago

<3 Adding the links directly to the images themselves rather than having a separate reference list for the original sources (like me lol) is a pretty good idea, helps keep the page clean. Maybe I might find some halloween themed graphics of my own for Halloween. :D

frogpondblues 1 year ago

started a little blog that i don't plan to link on the main page of my site. neocities user exclusive, i guess

frogpondblues 1 year ago

aaand halloween stuff is up with more incoming!! πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒ

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Thanks for the follow, your pixel adoptable page is pretty cute, and your minifesto was quite different (not a several page rant like mine). I noticed you have a section called Haunted Jukebox which sounds similar to one of my own pages The Haunted Chapel (under Jukebox). So I'm keen to see what that page will be when it appears.
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frogpondblues 1 year ago

oh, thanks! <3 i really love your art, i knew i had to follow you as soon as i saw the pixel tree in your banner, but your range is amazing!

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frogpondblues 1 year ago

hopefully i'll get the haunted jukebox back off the ground soon. it was the first page i made on here and it was basically a collection of midi files of 90s/2000s songs on the surface, but if you poked around a bit there was a little interactive fiction ghost story happening in the background. i was really proud of it but the javascript was wonky so i took it offline.

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frogpondblues 1 year ago

i'm excited to have a listen at your haunted chapel! the vibes sound like they'll be incredible. (also today i learned there's a character limit on comments, sorry for the triple reply!)

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pixelglade 1 year ago

Aw, thank you, I'm glad you like the banner and my artwork! Part of the reason I decided to study design is because I couldn't decide on a style so I figured I'd study a bit of everything. I actually love MIDI files, Of love to see your haunted jukebox be revived someday, even without JavaScript if it's a MIDI archive would be cool

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i've spent my evening going through this old directory of adopts and seeing what's archived in the wayback machine, and honestly i'm having a blast
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedNov 23, 2021
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