frog pond blues

836 updates
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frogpondblues 1 year ago

sometimes you just see half the people you follow making little stickers and become consumed with making pixel art, but you've never actually made pixel art before so suddenly it's 5am and you only have two little mushrooms to show for it. but they are cute and worthy mushrooms

divergentrays 1 year ago

Those are super cool looking little mushrooms. I am impressed if this is your first pixel art try!

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hey friends, it's been awhile! hope everyone's doing well. <3
Hi! Nice site! We both have Museum of Endangered Sounds as a link - I thought that was kind of neat.
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frogpondblues 2 years ago

hey, thanks! i'm so glad you commented, i'm having a blast going through your site right now! i'm currently crying laughing over the dogs in elk link :D

just stumbled across your site on the activity page and i am so glad i did, your art is fantastic!!
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humanfly 2 years ago

thank you friend that’s very kind!! i love your site and all its pages, especially your pets! 🐸<3

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hey friends, just a little post to say i am doing okay, i'm just swamped! i miss being around here but i'm hoping things should calm down for me in a few weeks (and hopefully that didn't just jinx it!) hope you're all doing well <3
I made the cheese buns from your cookbook today! they were so good I almost burst into (happy) tears, so thank you for sharing the recipe :D
frogpondblues 2 years ago

very late reply but i'm so glad you liked them!!

frogpondblues 2 years ago

added a recipe book! only two recipes so far but trust me, you want to make those cheese buns.

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedNov 23, 2021
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