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Does anybody know a good image host that allows hotlinking? I need to dump a whole bunch of pictures for a widget I'm working on somewhere but TinyPic is no longer a thing apparently...
0x07 3 years ago

How many mb/gb of storage do you need?

zanarkand 3 years ago

i submit a lot of stuff on imgbb!

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enterwebs 3 years ago

i use cubeupload

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hekate 3 years ago

0x09tf probably a little over 1GB. Not too much, but I guess I just get antsy about limits :-P

0x07 3 years ago

If you can go on a diet, 🔗 will give you just that <=1GB of storage :-P. I have not tried it yet, but 🔗 will give you 3GB (* monthly bandwidth cap, though). Unless your needs are mission-critical, I'd use both and give the IPFS a whirl/spin.

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0x07 3 years ago

There is also some kind of loophole (for how long?) or as Admiral Ackbar would say: "It's a trap!" (honeypot?) with google drive (15GB!) I gave it a quick check and it appears to work as intended. 🔗 🔗 😇Caveat emptor...

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CreatedFeb 13, 2020
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