❀ fairyland ❀

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Ahhhh happy birthday, have a great day!!
doqmeat 1 week ago

thank you so much!!

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Your website is too cute so far, I adore the artwork you have for your nav! ;w; ♡
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cherrylotus 1 week ago

thank you so much! ( ∩´͈ ᐜ `͈∩) your website is so so beautiful, i had so much fun exploring it!

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inkcaps 1 week ago

Ahhhh thank you soooo muuuuch again to everybody who asked me questions for my Q&A, they were super fun to answer!! ;w; Let me know what you think of my answers, and feel free to ask anymore questions if you'd like! :D ♡♡

cheytopia 1 week ago

All your answers were so interesting and enchanting to read. I especially liked what you said about mysticism. That quality you felt was inherent in you is one I've actively been trying to cultivate in my adulthood. It's a trait I admire!

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inkcaps 1 week ago

@chey I'm so happy you enjoyed reading, and thank you again for your intriguing questions! I wanted my answers to do them justice. I wish you luck with cultivating that outlook though, it's a really rewarding way to live! Always happy to chat about it as well ;u; ♡

cloveratelier 1 week ago

real, 'tis a hell of a thing to see after immediately getting home after a trip

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inkcaps 2 weeks ago

The page for my Tohru cosplay is up! Tell me what you think :D

shydeer 1 week ago

tohru was one of my biggest childhood heroes!! you did an amazing job! <3 i'm especially impressed with the striped details on the lapel and tie

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angeleyesprings 1 week ago

Very well made! You're talented at sewing

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vivarism 1 week ago

Oh this page is great so far! I love how you discussed the personal meaning behind the costume, too. Sure, cosplay is just for fun, but you chose Tohru for deep reasons. It makes me wanna read Fruits Basket finally heheh... Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing more pics!!! And more costumes!!!!!!! Aerith when!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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inkcaps 1 week ago

@shydeer you're so very kind, thank you!! We can all strive to be more like Tohru honestly!! ;w; I'm very happy with how the ribbon brightens everything up~ ♡♡

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inkcaps 1 week ago

@amy ahhhh thank you, you're really sweet!! ♡♡

inkcaps 1 week ago

@flonne thank you so much!! my favorite cosplays are always the ones where I love the character as much as the character's design! it feels so much more personal that way, and and an extension of the storytelling too! ;w; AND ACTUALLY my Aerith cosplay IS almost done and I have a lot more pictures of the process for her too... she'll be the next cosplay page for sure! ♡

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inkcaps 2 weeks ago

I updated my photo log and applied for mythology themed clique, but the biggest addition is my new diary entry! Tell me if you feel like there's this big collective shift towards change or if I'm just crazy sdfsdf

piranhebula 2 weeks ago

First time reading one of your diary entries, because your comment regarding 'change' hit really strong with some vERy huge changes in my own life recently! Everything from family moving out, new responsibilities, new job, new approaches to my work online, and several others besides x0x So's been intimidating at the very least, I'm ready for a nap after all's said an done lol.

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piranhebula 2 weeks ago

Also the formatting and style of your diary like many of your other pages is just really comfy and inviting <3

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sneekrealm 2 weeks ago

yeah im needing to change some shit in how i spend my day-to-day energy / my habits / whatever... end up feeling so spun out sometimes in a lowkey awful way. and the world at large being so intense too

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inkcaps 2 weeks ago

@pira wowwww I do not blame you in the slightest for wanting a nap in the slightest! That sounds like a ton to deal with, especially all at once! Wishing you well through this ;w; ♡ And thank you so much for your words, that means a lot to hear!! My goal is to create an inviting environment, and you're always welcomed to visit anytime!! ♡♡

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inkcaps 2 weeks ago

@sneekrealm the little things we do each day play a huge part in our overall mood honestly. Intense is a great word to describe how things feel right now too tbh, and on such a large scale

manyface 2 weeks ago

oh yeah life has been crazy lately! i started dating my girlfriend this month, and i'm making prints of my art to sell! lots of cool and exciting change! - j

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As it currently stands, there are 200 guests visiting my cottage!! (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! It's an absolute gift to be surrounded by so much creativity and sincerity on the web. Contributing to that sentiment is so special, and I'm so happy you're here with me! ♡ To commemorate, I'd like to do a Q&A, so feel free to ask me anything!! :D ♡♡
inkcaps 2 weeks ago

Last time we celebrated with afternoon tea, so I'll have to cook up another party for us! For now though, let's continue to have fun and THANK YOU!! ♡♡

manyface 2 weeks ago

what meal would you get/cook for someone to help them get to know you?

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ita 2 weeks ago

what's your favorite mythological creature? ☆☆

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cloverbell 2 weeks ago

congrats sarah! ^o^ what would you pack in your bag to entertain you on a long trainride?

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maplebear 2 weeks ago

i'll ask you the same question you sent me, because it's so interesting! what's on your bucket list? ♡

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maplebear 2 weeks ago

if you were a scent, how would you describe it? and also CONGRATSS you deserve many many more! ;; i love your cottage ♡

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hell-mouth 2 weeks ago

Congrats! What historical period and place would you most like to visit?

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getcubed 2 weeks ago

full cottage!! since i love your art museum page sm, do you have a favourite art movement/syle/artist etc?

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yowzle 2 weeks ago

Congrats on 200 guests! What color would you say represents you the most? And what is your go-to comfort food/drink? (Oh, and by the way, your website is SO cozy, it's definitely been an inspiration for the one I'm working on♡)

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inkcaps 2 weeks ago

Thank you for the questions so far everyone, these are really great!! ; __ ; I can't wait to answer them!! ♡♡

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inkcaps 2 weeks ago

@yowzle ahhhh that makes me so happy to hear, oh my goodness!! I'm excited to see how your website will turn out!! ♡

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cheytopia 1 week ago

Ahhh congratulations!! So well deserved, your site is beautiful and you're so multi-talented. What are the kinds of things you do to remind yourself that you are an agent and to a degree in control of your own destiny. What are some quotes or themes you have carried with you since childhood? Which of your hobbies/talents is most fulfilling for you?

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Thank you for following me, your site reminds me of an interstellar pastel planet! ⋆⭒˚。⋆
chocolaterevel 2 weeks ago

Waaah that is such a cool compliment, thank you!! :o <3


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CreatedJul 13, 2023
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magic personal diary lolita fairytales