πŸŒ™ moon and the stars πŸ’«

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i'm having massive issues with my shrine page and i'm like, so lost because i have no one to turn my coding over to lol
joeysluna 10 months ago

i'm not sure how to describe it...but my image keeps getting cut off in the container and it also keeps auto aligning to the left? and as often as i try to align it to the left, it just won't do it. it's super strange and frustrating especially when i am using the same skeleton as always and it works in my reccommendations idk maybe i did something wrong and i just can't see it.

joeysluna 10 months ago

excuse me, i keep trying to align it to the RIGHT, but it doesn't budge.

jeith 10 months ago

hmm, have you tried using flexbox on the container? free free to reach out via if you're still running into the issue and i can try taking a look :)

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CreatedApr 28, 2023
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