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It's kind of weird reading about yesterweb falling apart because I never really followed it but seeing how widespread it is across neocities made me think it would be a lasting thing kind of...
des 1 year ago

Same, it caught on quickly around here. i heard their Discord shut down last month so that was the only bad sign i knew of until now... lol

murid 1 year ago

Reading the report on what happened behind the scenes and the forum posts was pretty weird. As an outsider I always saw them as sort of a community of creative/crafty neighbours. I didn't know the community got that big or that they had so many revolutionary plans... I guess it's for the best that it ended, moderating a community that large sounds like a huge problem.

surenaga 1 year ago

The movement was doomed to failure.

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aidiapink 1 year ago

Yeah the manifesto sadgrl made a while back was what inspired me and a bunch of other people to make a website and later join the discord but basically alot of us were lurkers and it got wayyyy too big. Glad it occurred but I respect the mods decisions for sure

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CreatedSep 2, 2020
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