ah! refreshing

125 updates
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ive been super busy with drawing classes & multiple art projects which has been so wonderful but i def wanna get back to updating my site ;3; i'll probably redo most of it but im excited to apply some new skills ive acquired hehe
downloaded dreamlight valley and it’s been absorbing all my free time like a sponge woops ( ̄▽ ̄;) hopefully I’ll be updating and adding lots of things soon!
1 like
ah! refreshing was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
ah! refreshing was updated.
1 year ago
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lifeforms002 1 year ago

finally added a contact page woo!

lifeforms002 1 year ago

it looks perf in firefox but its still messed up looking for me in chrome ( ̄ー ̄;

oh my goshh ur site is so fabulous, im already a big fan of this pop art/fashion style & ur site is a perfect expression of it! ty for the follow :')
ita 1 year ago

aaaa thank you sm (☆▽☆) !! i can't wait to watch your site grow~ it's already looking amazing ❥

1 like
ah! refreshing was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
ah! refreshing was updated.
1 year ago
ah! refreshing was updated.
1 year ago
lifeforms002 1 year ago

ok i uh messed around way too much with margins/padding and messed something up omg time 2 try and fix it

lifeforms002 1 year ago

ok it should be fixed.......lmao

it seems like neocities takes some time to update thumbnails, the most recent thumbnail on my feed does not reflect what my site looks like atm i made a lot of big changes ;-;
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cyberoccultism 1 year ago

I love the new layout!!

1 like
lifeforms002 1 year ago

thank u so much!! :'))

ah! refreshing was updated.
1 year ago

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedAug 22, 2022
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nostalgia y2k videogames art music