Always Your Pal, Melon!

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Typing "melonking" into the hacker name generator comes up with "FireWire". I'm starting to wonder if that was intentional...
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melonking 6 years ago

All good technologies produce results that become greater than the sum of their parts ;)

owlman 6 years ago

Damn, that's weird, on Discord I went by the name "FireWire" for some time o_0

shrew 6 years ago

owlman I was thinking of this but okay I guess

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jeremyredhead 6 years ago

This interwoven conspiracy goes deeper than we all thought...

Whats the deadline for this?
melonking 6 years ago

No pun intended... but I love that its there!

halloweenjam 6 years ago

As long as the site is created before November, it can be submitted. Sorry for the late reply, I need to follow this site on my main account so I can see the comments.

hey uh my button seems to have ran off and jumped. can you bring it back to it's proper place?
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owlman 6 years ago

It's gone because MK hotlinks the banners, so it's gone because you (WizardCat) removed it

jeremyredhead 6 years ago

This is why hotlinking is not always the best idea ;) Anyway I checked and it's in the Web Archive ready for re-upload:

melonking 6 years ago

Omg wizard, you broke my site, I can never forgive you!

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hey melon if somebody made a webring with subrings (like reddit's subreddits) would you join it? Just asking for a Jake.
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Last updated 27 minutes ago
CreatedJul 19, 2016
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