Always Your Pal, Melon!

10,697 updates
2 tips
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arkmsworld 6 years ago

Looks like you're getting along just fine. NYC is a pretty interesting place. I spent a week up there - years ago - for a job I was working. Would really love to go back and visit someday. Please tell me you've had a pizza. NY is famous for 'em. Chinatown has some great eats too. :)

melonking 6 years ago

Yes the pizza is good!

1 like
This is amazing, theres this abandoned telnet world and its still online and there were these 2 guys on there who speak klingon!
Do you have Discord? I wanna discuss something with you. c:
melonking 6 years ago

I do, Its Melonking, my picture is a happy sun. I open is so rarely though you're better off emailing.

1 like
jackomix 6 years ago

I emailed you a while ago, hope you read it. :)

melonking 6 years ago

You sure? I haven't gotten anything.

Fixed a slight bug where hit counters were being cached for 10 years instead of 10 minutes.. should be sorted now 😅
You're the first person Iv seen to use the counters! Thanks for the link back, though it really does not need to be quite so big and at the top of your site!
So, if I added meta tags to my website, would Daniel's Network automagically update what it has indexed? I didn't really design my site expecting a search engine to ever find it :o
melonking 6 years ago

Don't worry, It doesn't account for meta tags, it was designed for sites that were not designed for search engines ;D I will add support for them in time, regardless it'll re-index your site every 24 hours or so.

Hi Humans! I made a lil hit counter generator that will get site hits from the Neocities API, so if youve been looking for a good hit counter, give it a go! Also I made a search engine: Go submit your sites!
joppiesaus 6 years ago

:ooooo amazing! Awesome stuff! did you use imagemagick in the backend? I can smell the imagemagick... xD :PppPP

1 like
melonking 6 years ago

Its actually totally custom, just using Java buffered image, so its realllly simple, but its also really fast and light.

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websitering 6 years ago

Thank you MellonKing!

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beatnik 6 years ago

This is exciting! It looks great and I love what you said about tech needing to be human, quirky and simple and kind. I found a few sites last night that I'll have to submit. I had to do some major digging to find them which I guess speaks to how important your new project is

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Thanks for telling me to add CSS and to improve my website! I centered my website and I think it looks way better!
1 like
melonking 6 years ago

I think CSS is the fun bit of webdesign, enjoy it!


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Last updated 20 hours ago
CreatedJul 19, 2016
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