Melvin's World!

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All this shit with YouTube is really concerning; it's only a matter of time before it crumbles and we potentially loose years of internet history. Even if I somehow downloaded every video that's embedded on my site, there's the issue of having enough storage space as well as the difficulty of keeping track of who to credit for the videos. We really have become too reliant on these big tech companies.
melvins-world 7 months ago

I was going to try and host all of my own videos on the site instead; but it looks like Neocities doesn't technically support video files and most video files exceed an upload limit anyway :/.

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Been writing about GameTap for my latest issue of WebDivers. Things were going well and I even bought a seemingly rare promo box online! Unfortunately, I found my mail delivery was left outside on the street and the GameTap box the only thing missing! I’m hoping it was mistakenly marked as delivered, but it’s been two days now and I can only assume the worst. I was really looking forward to documenting the box too :(
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Last updated 19 hours ago
CreatedApr 21, 2021
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2000s 00s personal fun videogames