The web site of morethanyoubelieve

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saw the ut related renders just now, what inspired that render archive?
* i said add breaks but it wont let me type that i think it interprets it as code
then with the overlapping maintitle and text 2 you could go into style and put z-index:2; for the title and z-index:1; , then the title will be put in front and you can add until the text is at the right spot since its a simple format
digitalaero 2 hours ago

tysm, il be sure to fix it with this, thanks again:)

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I'm pretty new to css but i can try, for the left bar i assume you want it lower? well then the position is just wrong so change aside id="leftSidebar" style="margin-right: 10px;, margin-top:20px;"> to like margin-top:130px; or something
love the site, makes me feel like im playing deltarune again
digitalaero 2 days ago

thnx!:) currently working on fixing the home page, sorry for any inconveniences with it, btw, could u help me fix my left sidebar so it displays the content without overlapping with other buttons and content? the same goes for the center.

digitalaero 2 hours ago

btw, i have a couple of undertale related renders in my render archive section

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As you might have noticed i've been working on my angel for a while now, I thought it was finally time to make a big boy site with css formatting, and i learned, its ugly! cant quite capture my original feel like this so I think I'm just going to incorporate what I've learned there in the normal site.. and maybe finally fix the issues with the summary
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Last updated 22 minutes ago
CreatedJul 8, 2023
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