Kill The Past

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could... could someone email me what the TCG game is that i see everyone playing on here? i've tried looking into it myself but i think im just really stupid LOL... like i cannot for the life of me wrap my head around it, but i'd love to learn! so please, if you could explain it to me, then my email is on my home page, thank you!
xxleonlawlessxx 2 weeks ago

ooh, let me know when you figure it out!! sounds cool O_o

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komichi 2 weeks ago

i could show you how!! it is daunting at first but you will know how to play soon!

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neetelite 2 weeks ago

@komichi please do !!

stupidsketchbook 2 weeks ago

ooh I need an explanation too. I've got no idea lol

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedAug 9, 2022
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