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2 years ago
rbuchanan 2 years ago

A few of my best and enduring relationships were initiated online, but I've never found a satisfactory or sympathetic partner via a dating site. Hopefully your luck will improve, but I've fared best in chatrooms and incidental encounters.

koshka 2 years ago

I can't stand people who just give you the cold shoulder instead of admitting they don't like you!! It always drives me crazy. Just tell me you don't like me, and I will peacefully leave you alone! I have only really been able to develop worthwhile relationships with people online. I think part of it is that I am autistic and communicate incomparably better via text than IRL, but there's also the fact that the

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koshka 2 years ago

Internet offers an infinitely vast pool of potential friends instead of limiting you to the local "rabble", and it's easier to track down people with your specific tastes or beliefs. I don't know. At some point I just gave up entirely on finding fulfillment from IRL people, personally.

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nenko 2 years ago

Yeah, people should just be honest and let others know they don't like them. It's a bit annoying when I can see the person I've written to has read the message but he doesn't answer. I'm not expecting an immediate response, but some kind of reply within the next few days would be nice. I don't really have a way to meet people in real life, so that's why I'm giving online dating a chance.

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