The web site of pastry

587 updates
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Yes please, I would like info on narcan and control F! Sorry, I just figured out how the commenting/communique system works on Neocities!
pastry 2 years ago

hey uh i'm also not very good at that and am on here intermittently this year apparently. i've got stuff keeping me busy right now but if i don't get back to u in a week *please* nag me again :) in the meantime i'd tell you to look up tracy helton bc she's the best about this

pastry 2 years ago

oh also -- control F is the short cut for "find within" so if someone is checking for info on a long site.. that's the way

pastry 2 years ago

ohh wait the other thing i wanted to get you resourced on is PrEP and PEP (HIV pre/post exposure prevention) ... is a little technical but seems like it could get someone anywhere in the world started

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedMar 21, 2021
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