The Rat Shack

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The Rat Shack was updated.
2 years ago
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pikemalarkey 2 years ago

What are you doing with lanolin? I've been thinking of getting some to increase the durability of my jumpers but haven't had the chance to try it out yet.

ratshack 2 years ago

I’m using it on my lips! Every lip balm has failed me, so I’m taking drastic measures. It’s doing the job so far. I hadn’t thought about using it on clothes. I need to look into that. My wardrobe is mostly wool at this point

ratshack 2 years ago

(I really want to buy a wool cloak, but my friends and family are refusing to be seen with me if I wear a cloak in public…)

pikemalarkey 2 years ago

Go for it! Your family and friends are wrong but they'll surely see the error of their ways once they behold the wonderful artifact that is a cloak.

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