step inside the dream. . .

2,948 updates
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teddybear-halo 6 years ago

i'm struggling with my layout, sorry for spamming with updates (〃>_<;〃)

arkmsworld 6 years ago

You just need some padding for the text on your main frame - some of the text gets lost behind the left div/frame - and maybe give it a min-width so it doesn't completely collapse behind the left div on smaller screens.

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teddybear-halo 6 years ago

Ohhh thanks Arkm! think i fixed it! ^^ still have to check it on another computer screen, but it's looking much better~

arkmsworld 6 years ago

Yes, it looks much better now. Should work on everything down to a mid-sized tablet. I'm enjoying your updating. :)

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teddybear-halo 6 years ago

Awesome!! Thanks again for your help, it's much appreciated~ so happy someone is enjoying my silly rambles :)

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedSep 29, 2017
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personal diary nostalgia