The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

589 updates
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Friday January 5, 2024. I have duplicated yesterday's action for the webpage, "The Revised Book of Isaiah," and its sixty-one children, as well as for the childless webpage, "The Revised Book of Revelation."
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Thursday January 4, 2024. I have hyperlinked my name in the header of "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" to my academic resume.
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Sunday October 1, 2023. I have recovered the adjective "Indefinite" to describe the number of horns in the webpage "The Mark of the Beast and the Number 666." I had inadvertently deleted it on Sunday August 27, 2023.
Friday September 8, 2023. I have added another webpage to the "Further Reading" section of the homepage, "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." The newest webpage is entitled, "Criticism of the Gospel of Matthew." Please read the short Introduction very carefully before you possibly get upset about the contents of the first six chapters.
Sunday September 3, 2023. I have added a new webpage to the "Further Reading" section of the homepage, "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." This new webpage is titled, "Who Wrote the Five Books of Moses?" PLEASE NOTE: You may have to refresh the page twice or to empty your browser's cache to see the new "Further Reading" section list.

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedNov 19, 2015
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