The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

589 updates
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Thursday July 7, 2022. I have added a new section called, "Unrelated Websites you might also find interesting," to oblige a follower of my website.
Sunday May 22, 2022. ADDED some text in the "The Red Horse is Communism" section. Other trivial changes. Inserted an invitation to visit my main website, "When I Was a Child in Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)" at the bottom of the page.
Sunday May 8, 2022. The last webpage, "The Soviet Union Almost Was the Red Beast of Revelation," has been upgraded. The default font-size is 16 pixels. Additionally, the two embedded videos are now hyperlinks, and one has been replaced with a short clip of the October Revolution's 70th anniversary civilian parade in Red Square.
Saturday May 7, 2022. THE TINKERING IS ALMOST FINISHED. Every webpage and even the voluminous "Revised Book of Isaiah" child website has been upgraded to display a default font-size of 16 pixels. I am very pleased with the results. Now there is just one webpage left to do, "The Soviet Union Almost Was the Red Beast of Revelation."

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedNov 19, 2015
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