tsumugsfish's pond empire

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vashti 5 months ago

Trondheim looks so beautiful. I hope to see snow like that one day. Maybe I'll try to visit Sweden eventually. I'd never given it any thought before... Anyways, happy you seem to be enjoying your trip Nox! Just curious, what time does the sun set up in Sweden? Is it really early?

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vashti 5 months ago

Oh wait, Trondheim is in Norway isn't it? Replace Sweden with Norway in my earlier comment (lol)

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tsumugsfish 5 months ago

WHOOPS i just saw this!! it DOES set really early - around 2, 2:30pm. the snow here is absolutely beautiful. if you ever have the chance to visit, do it! sundsvall is a very very pretty town. also, if you're interested in skiing, sweden is great for that too :)

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CreatedJun 15, 2022
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