Wizard Perspective Portal

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takeapiece 2 years ago

It's a crappy situation to be in. I was the same way in college but you gotta try to break the mold and talk to someone. You'll be suprised on how little someone actually cares that someone is awkward. The most they'll do is talk bad for a bit but go back to focusing on themselves.

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takeapiece 2 years ago

If people project, it's because they're insecure. Guys who know the struggle will understand.

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kazuhisa 2 years ago

when I first came across this post I was going to divulge that sustaining friends or romance is (mostly) unfounded after college; for that light at the end of the tunnel means a parting of ways. for some, maybe not, but often is the case from my observations. but if you're worried of an inability to form connections with others, I understand. connections are difficult when they're arbitrary (or built upon proximity)

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otaking 2 years ago

Socialising can cost money.

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otaking 2 years ago

Do you have these dreams when you are close to wake up?

wizardperspective 2 years ago

I have them the moment I fall into a deep slumber. That's usually when I am so tired, I kind of feel knocked out and don't wake up as easily. Usually after a dream, I wake up either real early in the morning or far too early like after midnight. It's just my awful sleeping behavior.

pnnamerica 2 years ago

The only time I dream is when I have a fucking nightmare, or some weird ass shit, otherwise it is black.

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pnnamerica 2 years ago

I am an introvert and socializing is tough for me as well, a good memory I have is this: I was working and the boss' son came by, he showed me 3 dice in his hand, 2 white 1 green, he said the green dice was the "lucky dice" and put it in front and asked me to pick one. I picked one of the white ones in back, he laughed and said I was the first person to do that. We had a conversation about magic and slight of hand.

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wizardperspective 2 years ago

Yep. That's it.

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otaking 2 years ago

Agreed that feeling like you owe people is the worst.

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holeinmyheart 2 years ago

"We live in one of the most antisocial times in our lives." ikr. even as an "introvert" it feels weird lol

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otaking 2 years ago

I have noticed that even in friendship if you care more about the relationship than the other side does, then it gets too tiresome and irritable. Probably a consequence of caring about friendship too much.

pnnamerica 2 years ago

Contacts are a miracle. It really is like being able to see again. I am a bad boy and just leave my dailies in my eyes until they bug me. Sleep, everything. Kek.

wizardperspective 2 years ago

My eye doctor told me I have dry eyes and prescribed me some drops but I never bothered them with. I did fine wearing contacts all day when I was in my last years of high school and college so...

otaking 2 years ago

Where can I listen to your album? Also added your website buttons to my site.

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wizardperspective 2 years ago

It's on the Goodies Page in a mega link under the My OC Album Collection or right here:

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wizardperspective 2 years ago

Though I seriously need to update my Bandcamp page.

otaking 2 years ago

Nice, gave it a listen and I liked it. Me and some other guys on my discord server are making a Visual Novel for fun. Mind if I used your music in it? I will give you proper attribution but I can't pay you. It's not a commercial VN anyway, it'll be all released for free.

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otaking 2 years ago

Here's the discord server btw: . It's the sos brigade server. I think you used to be on there.

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otaking 2 years ago

I guess you have consistently worked on this site, but yeah I have too resigned to writing about whatever I feel is interesting rather than finding one topic to be an expert in.

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wizardperspective 2 years ago

Thanks for the offer. In all honesty. I don't mind anyone using my music for projects. I'm not going to put some kind of copyright or anything on it since music as it is is built upon the foundations of works from the past just like architecture, art, or anything of that sort.

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wizardperspective 2 years ago

Yeah I used to be on your discord server but I wasn't really active on it. Plus the whole discord term of service thing is kind of a turn off. Maybe I might reconsider. School has me mostly busy sometimes though not really. The Visual Novel idea sounds briliant. I would be honored to have my music used for such a project if I had to be hoenst.

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otaking 2 years ago

Thank you for your permission, we'll be using your music. Also based take on copyright I can get behind in my little projects too.

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takeapiece 2 years ago

To that guy's defense (thrift store flirting), not a lot of guys in general have the balls to go up to a woman. Normalfags usually have someone 'recommended' to them by a friend or talk to someone at some gathering.

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takeapiece 2 years ago

He made the attempt even if it was cringe. We all have our cringe moments. I cringe at myself more often than I would like to admit.

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wizardperspective 2 years ago

I'll give him that. At least he tried. That's more than I can say about myself. I don't know. Sometimes I feel like it's best not to get into a situation you generally have no chance of winning. Uni was like that for me and I regret even trying.

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takeapiece 2 years ago

I cringe thinking about how I met my wife. It was a similar to that. You never know until you try. No one wants to be a situation where we get ridiculed or believe we have no chance at winning. Everyone is in their bubble ready to mock others when they themselves can't do it. Live and learn I guess and try to get better.

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takeapiece 2 years ago

You got it man.

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wizardperspective 2 years ago

Someday, I hope I can get out of that bubble. I'll try not to be completely defeatist.

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holeinmyheart 2 years ago

LMFAO cute post

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otaking 2 years ago

Can I get an 88x33 banner of your site to add to my homepage?

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takeapiece 2 years ago

How do you make a banner anyways? Looks fun.

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wizardperspective 2 years ago

You can look into my page source by right clicking and viewing page source. Basically it's an link to a webpage with an image/button as a link. I don't know the technical terms for it.

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wizardperspective 2 years ago

Here's a template to get started on your own if you are interested:

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wizardperspective 2 years ago

The hardest part in my opinion is trying to fit something in such a small space. I use Gimp to make my banners.

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takeapiece 2 years ago

Thanks, I'll look into it!

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