"All the sound is squashed together. It's like an infinite horizon, it just keeps going on."

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Oh my god, your blog is like. EVERYTHING IVE BEEN TRYING TO MAKE MINE BUT 10x! How did you get a 'Menu click' system? Do you create all the links manually?
n-has-a-site 1 day ago

Hello, thank you so much! I do not create all the links manually, its basically like a search function.All of the blogs are coded into the same page and when you type in what blog post you want to see it clears the page and shows that blog post, I write the blog posts directly into the code itself. This whole thing works through a script

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roselilyqueen 17 hours ago

Did you write the script yourself? I've been running into a lot of difficulty doing somethign like this lol

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n-has-a-site 7 hours ago

Nope, stack overflow and chat gpt are life savers on this case

n-has-a-site 7 hours ago

Chat gpt does have its drawbacks however as sometimes the code it spits out just doesnt work, so you will have to adjust it

n-has-a-site 7 hours ago

I also have no problem with you copying my code in my website

NEW! Chat is now on the home page so that 1. it aint broken, and 2. Its more easier to talk to lovely people every day!
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I am currently working on my reviews for 'Loveless' and '13'! I don't have a *specific* place to ask more than one person for feedback so I decided here would be good.
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roselilyqueen 1 day ago

Oh okay. enter is reply. haha very funny. anyways, I was wondering if I should make the background theme (The background image and colors for example) Themed around the album of the review you're watching, for example black red and pink for the loveless review page, or if I should leave the themes as is for the reviews. What do you think? I personally like the first idea but would it be annoying?

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n-has-a-site 1 day ago

No its a very good idea to have themes around the album or review. I don't think it will be annoying.

I think I fixed the 'Theme loading on new user's glitch! check it for yourself, I'm going to sleep!
n-has-a-site 2 days ago

The theme is working on mobile now thats great!

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n-has-a-site 4 days ago

Cute site! But also just for your information I think your website themes disapears whenever it is looked at from mobile.

roselilyqueen 4 days ago

@n-has-a-site Thank you for the feedback ^^ I'm not sure how to reply haha. It's a bug I've been able to fix on pc but frustratingly not mobile? The java checks if it can find a 'saved theme value' for you and if it can't it defaults to 'Out'. But on mobile, it just doesn't load a theme..

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n-has-a-site 4 days ago

Thank you for the reply!, yeah that sounds fustrating-I hope you get it sorted out soon. -N

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n-has-a-site 4 days ago

Oh also I dont think the neocities comment section actually has a reply feature, I hope they add something soon which means we can reply to specific comments.

Heyyoooo! Thanks for the follow!
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Last updated 8 hours ago
CreatedApr 17, 2024
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