Welcome to scftst4rs!! ★

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scftst4rs 1 month ago

New blog post!! Talking about youtube and trying out my cameras :O

uhhh sorry for being completely non-existent on here... I have been spending a lot of time over on spacehey but i promise i think about you all on here! might do some stuff for the site today even :3
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scftst4rs 4 months ago

Hey new blog entry. It's late so if there's any bad takes in there that's why but basically i complain about youtube 'experts' telling newer youtubers to make their videos all sanitised and easy to watch so they can grow their channel and not make 'bad videos'. I'd love to hear other peoples thoughts on it! Anyway I'm going to bed now, goodnight ( ̄ω ̄;)

scftst4rs 5 months ago

Reintroduced my button wall!!! I went through every site I'm following to add their button. I couldn't find about a third of people buttons, either because they didnt have one or because I simply couldn't find it ;-;

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I have finally started work on the wardrobe page, but I dont have many photos to add to it yet so well see how that goes OwO
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Another update! Finished the archive page! I might have to lower the quality of the screenshots because they struggle to load in but for now they will do.
Updated my site button!! If you're hotlinking it should update automatically?? But if youve saved your own copy and want the new one, this is your notice to do it! :D It's a very minor change, I just changed the text to say scftst4rs because as usual I'm having name struggles :/
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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJun 2, 2022
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