The web site of star-cowboy

504 updates
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added a logo/header/title for my comic! Still not sure if this will be the final title or not but that's okay :)
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plus I'll have to replace all the default images and stuff but still, so cool! feeling proud! Today was sort of a roller coaster and this is a good end to it :)
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tehuan 2 weeks ago

so excited to watch you mess w/ your site again! it's so wonderful already & i can't wait for what's to come :]

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star-cowboy 2 weeks ago

@tehuan So glad to be back! and happy you're excited :) <3 thank you for your comment!!

Actually adding some comics!!! Got the therapy comics section up and super in progress but it's coming!!! :)))))) Next comic in the backlog was super sketchy so I'll need to neaten it up and maybe even redraw it before posting but this is exciting!!! :)
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...going out to eat soon though so who knows when i'll actually put my own comics into it though lol
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adding a webcomic section courtesy of !!!
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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedMay 14, 2022
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