...with strawberry gashes all over...

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mutterbutter 2 months ago

I haven't seen the nailpolish page before! That's awesome

1 like
i am begging y'all to at least make an ATTEMPT to credit asset creators before making a graphics collection
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gummywormhydra 2 months ago

a lot of mine ive tried SO hard but they were reposted without credit so i literally cannot find anything

strawberry-gashes 2 months ago

@gummywormhydra dw, not knowing a source is different from 1000+ graphics with no source links. the second's what i mean

strawberry-gashes 2 months ago

to clarify i mean it's bad when it's apparent when someone didn't try give any credit at all, not that sources have been lost to time and making their way across several sites

1 like
thanks for the follow <3 love the site
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strawberry-gashes 2 months ago

thank you honey! i've been enjoying yours!

1 like why aren't fanlistings mega popular anymore? also [sends emails to scold users because they didn't use capital letters posting on a casual hobbyist forum]
september 2 months ago

...they seriously did that?!

strawberry-gashes 2 months ago

@september yes lol. this is the message they sent: and this is the message i'd left on the forums that resulted in the message: if anyone's interested. suffice to say my first attempt at being active on the forums left a weird taste in my mouth

nijigyaru 2 months ago

one more great hobby ruined by people’s absolute lack of chill sighh :(

september 2 months ago

...proper capitalisation? Holy shit, dude. Like allcaps and netspeak/typing quirks I can understand, but that is just ridiculous. (...unless they've got their panties in a bunch about "defo", which just...smfh, honestly. No wonder the whole forum sounds about as cheerful as a morgue.)

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strawberry-gashes 2 months ago

@nijigyaru i'm glad you said that, because i've also been feeling that way about it for a while. like, to the point where i've been considering an open letter about how maybe bureaucracy in a casual hobby space is part of why fls fell off

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strawberry-gashes 2 months ago

@september yeah. like... i told my room mate and she asked me if they had rules to reference before posting, and i was like "i didn't even think to check is proper capitalization was a rule" lol. i too wonder if defo and how i tend to leave off periods at the ends of paragraphs, but like. if you can't comprehend what i'm saying that's a pretentious you problem imo?

strawberry-gashes 2 months ago

it's my brainworms not my syntax that makes it hard to understand what i'm saying i think lol

one support ticket later and we're back lads
my other host appears to have fucked up my subdomains so who knows when things will be back up

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CreatedJan 11, 2020
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