4ivilO'S cube realm

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4ivilo 2 years ago

Thank you so much!

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Oh man I am actually a lil' angry at neocities for having case sensitive file naming, for example I have to sometimes change an extension from .JPG to .jpg because the image doesn't get read for some reason.
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4ivilo 2 years ago

I can't write haha

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tangotrail 2 years ago

kao the kangaroo is fr one of my fav games ever though the gliding level i tried to get past at least 20 times and it gave me and my old friend a headache

4ivilo 2 years ago

Oh yeah I know what you mean dude, I remember failing that part many times too haha. But there was one boss fight I couldn't finish as a kid, I think it was some Zeus guy? I never found out how to hurt him and then I abandoned the game for a long time... (but played the next games heehee)

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meowco 2 years ago

I love the new art!

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4ivilo 2 years ago

! love it too! There are so many talented people out there! It's really great that ArtFight-like websites exist so you get to know them!

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4ivilo 2 years ago

Thank you so much! (actually my nick is just 4ivilo, the big O in the title is for the OS to be more emphasized :D)

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CreatedMar 28, 2015
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retro animation art 90s personal