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I've considerd building my own laptop from scratch. 16GB ram, 256GB or 500GB SSD, and other good-specs. Also also, many ports + LONG battery-life. If I decide to do this, I'll have to see the price of it then attempt if or when I can, also I'll have to learn some more computer skills. I will run Gentoo Linux + Libreboot the laptop. Screen will likely only be 720p, I don't need 1080p XD.
dc-blog 3 weeks ago

To make the money, I'll likely sell laptops I don't need for cash then try to find a cheap yet reliable thing for whatever it is. Amazon shows only $31 for a 512GB SSD, though I'll need to make sure it's actually good. As for more specifically what I'd want, it is something like the following within a high-quality laptop (would go desktop computer, but I have major needs for carrying my laptop around):

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

16GB Ram, 256-512GB SSD, 720P Or Lower Screen, CD/DVD Drive, USB Ports, Headphone + Microphone Jack, Ethernet + WiFi Support, VGA Port, Long-Lasting Battery Life (several days off one charge if I'm careful type of life), A Mostly Decent CPU, maybe GPU idfk. As for what it'll use:

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

Libreboot. Gentoo Linux (main), TempleOS (memes) + maybe Tails OS (on flash-drive). Typical Linux-hacker larp stuff from there (terminal everything except IRC + browser). Why give a laptop extreme power only to not require more than 2GB of ram? Because why the hell not XD.

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

This is far from complete, ik theres more to consider here, but this is a small view thus-far. I could probably get a few hundred total for all the stuff I have sitting around to build this laptop, and if its well I'll try to build one for a fren who'd need it too. Once I know what I'm actually doing and the final idea is done, I'll release a guide on what I did but obviously that'll be a while.

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

Since I can't self-host anyways, having like 5 computers total sitting around doesn't really help me (not to mention, 2 of this 5 having issues with their HDDs means thats less manpower for hosting even if I could do it now). If or when I can self-host, I'll just be sane and do an actual desktop computer lmao, easier I bet + I'm not moving a web-server much if ever.

dc-blog 3 weeks ago

Essentially, rather than several computers I don't need, I'll try to just build 2 I can actually use. Laptop (normal) + Desktop (web-server). We are now at the point I either become extra-extra retarded or extremely based.


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