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we are literal opposites yet we are friends lol. some others hate me for being Jewish, but I think you just don't care. that's nice :)
chipsfunfun 2 weeks ago

its weird, man. we are all the same. we are all humans. I love everyone.

chipsfunfun 2 weeks ago

I'm a radical lover.

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

You get honorary Aryan status in the 4th reich

chipsfunfun 2 weeks ago

btw the reason u cant understand how some "ghetto" people speak is because of dialect, after years of seperation they make their own. its really facisinating

chipsfunfun 2 weeks ago

honestly i feel like we all should be together because we did things and traveled to eachother before. we came from the same ancestors lol. ice bridge should come back we could hike to others

chipsfunfun 2 weeks ago

like, people say to me "ill burn the pocket torah" (i still laugh about that btw) but if i say "Ill burn the pocket bible" they'll get upset, and i dont want to do that

chipsfunfun 2 weeks ago

idk is this too deep? lol

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

@chipsfunfun i think its just a black-moment, I've seen many blacks who basically sound white, yet only once or twice a white who sounded black even if they grew up around what you refer to as a "dialect". I think they just suck at English lmao, minor skill issue. As for torah burning + bible burning, oy vey shalom shabbat

chipsfunfun 2 weeks ago

it takes a while to pick up lol. also if u hear a ton of people sounding 'white' maybe they aren't so different :)

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

@chipsfunfun "ton" i guess implies many, when its more like one every now and then. Tbh thinking about it now, 99% of racists (including myself) are only racist because of their own behavior. If they didn't act rabbid, they'd probably not be a problem in spite of their hard to understand talking (of course, their environment plays a role in intelligence yes, but so do their genetics).

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

thinking about it now, most of the "racists" now (including myself) aren't racist at all, some of them are even race-mixers (me :3) or minorities. They just don't like violent criminals, but breaking down the statistics thus-far often shows race (and not to mention, "socioeconomic" factors have been getting supposedly better for decades yet somehow they don't get better outside a VERY small few who improve).


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