DShifter's Place - Home

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Currently working on a complete site overhaul! Some things may look the same, but there will be a ton of new stuff, too. New art for the homepage, art hub, and some new pages... This may take a month or so , as I'm going to be balancing website-work with uni and other personal interests.
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dshifter 7 months ago

Lmao I'll be lucky if this takes just a month, I'm just now writing all the changes I wanna make in a txt file and it's easily 200 hours worth of work

I love the kaleidoscopic backgrounds you have on your main page and all the neat effects you hve throughout all your pages!!!
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1.5 Million Views. Wow. I never would have imagined my site being this widely known. Thank you everyone for visiting! I have a lot of updates to make...
pnnamerica 8 months ago

Your site design is nice.

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holy cow your homepage is so well-developed and beautiful
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mileshouse 11 months ago

thank yew =3

hi i found you through arandomsite
dshifter 1 year ago


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Added my 1.6 Demonlist project to my JS Projects page. Probably my largest complete JavaScript project I've ever made. I have a Node.js project in the works that will be even larger though, if I ever find the time to complete it. University has taken me over!

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedOct 8, 2019
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programming art furry music personal