DShifter's Place - Home

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holy cow i love your art style!!!!! I'd commission you to draw my gote Nams if I had the money...
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cool stuff, I love your breven's design
shywell 2 years ago

thank you!! one day I'll have a Breven Gallery up on my site heheh, I have lots of fun guest art of him ^_^I love your site and your art :>

dshifter 2 years ago

Thanks! =:3 I look forward to seeing your Breven Gallery!

1,000,000 VIEWS! HOLY CRAP!!!! Thank you all for visiting my website! I'm sorry I haven't been updating it recently, been busy with some other projects and irl stuff... I'm at a loss for what to even do to commemorate 1 Mil views, or what else to add to my website. What do you all suggest I do? =:3
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im actually dying, where is all my site traffic coming from? 82k unique visits yesterday... .-.
lhfm 2 years ago

idk, maybe try setting up google analytics or something to see where people are from?

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pnnamerica 2 years ago

It is your html skillz

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dshifter 2 years ago

lhfm, how would I do that? Can you help me with it?

lhfm 2 years ago

You just sign up for google analytics, put some code they give you onto your site, and you should be ready to go...

1 like
dshifter 2 years ago

Thank you

legitimately where is my site traffic coming from? I was just at 100k visits a week ago, now I'm at 267k...
holyshit how do you go from 600 unique views to 19661???
dshifter 2 years ago

The first spike in visits came from Wendigoon covering the Hypnagogic Archive since I'm right next to him in the Yesterweb, but this second spike seems out of nowhere. I'll check YouTUbe to see if the Archive is being reported on again.


Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedOct 8, 2019
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programming art furry music personal