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elaboraet was updated.
3 years ago
elaboraet was updated.
3 years ago
what do you guys think of my redesign? i think it looks...interesting. . the home page is empty right now, though. didn't know what to put in it yet
preternaturality 3 years ago

I think it looks nice! I'm a fan of the colors, and the graphics are a nice touch.

letslearntogether 3 years ago

I second that. The sidebar is well designed too. Looks good on both desktop and mobile.

elaboraet 3 years ago

thanks! i'll keep working on it - i think it will end up pretty great at this rate

elaboraet was updated.
3 years ago
What do you guys prefer, a wysiwyg editor or a simple text editor for html? I found a real old copy of Dreamweaver (CS3) and it works great, frankly, but it's a bit dated—it doesn't support HTML5. but I'm too lazy to edit everything by hand. hmmmm
thatwhitehand 3 years ago

I personally use Bluefish.

letslearntogether 3 years ago

I usually write the raw HTML in a text file or directly into the Neocities editor. Nice and old school. Haha!

websitering 3 years ago

I usually use a text editor, but my site is mostly incredible simple, early 90's pre-GeoCities type stuff.

preternaturality 3 years ago

I use Atom for writing HTML, as well as any plain text stuff like notes. I think this is probably a type of text editor overkill, but it's just so snazzy.

automatic-llama 3 years ago

I only use Notepad++, and everything on my site is HTML or CSS. A classic gripe against wysiwyg editors is that they require you to give up some control over the logical organization of your site, even if they do make it easier to quickly shape up its appearance. Personally, I just like understanding (pretty much) every line of code that makes up my site, and don't want a wysiwyg editor to add anything.

nohappynonsense 3 years ago

I use my typewriter to do it all in html and then use image capture scanning software to have it converted to a text file, but some call me old fashioned like that.

elaboraet was updated.
3 years ago
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elaboraet was updated.
3 years ago
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I have a second version of Elaboraet running on I'm still working on it, but things are looking good so far.
1 like
letslearntogether 3 years ago

Indeed! Lookin' spiffy. ;-)

I loved your little narrative on watches. Sometimes I cringe at my peers throwing around their smartwatches like they're made of nothing: they're just a total redundancy to their phones, anyway (they won't admit that, though).
andnow 3 years ago

Thank you! It is really nice to know that you liked it. Yes people do get wrapped up in tech sometimes, when the relationships that technology helps us cultivate are the important things. In real life my grandpa is a very bad tipper and wears a Timex.

elaboraet 3 years ago

Definitely. I forgot to add that I own a single mechanical watch, maybe from the 60s, but can absolutely relate to much of what you wrote.

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elaboraet was updated.
3 years ago

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critique philosophy writing computers 90s