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elaboraet was updated.
3 years ago
I'm proud to be an early follower and followed person of this site, ha. Looks like it really grew.
1 like
Interesting layout, I haven't yet seen a PDF as a site index before. Come to think of it, that could probably make things a whole lot easier to design! maybe just a little slower to load.
k7 3 years ago

It really does make things easier if you just want to upload a .docx file online.

Looks interesting!
1 like
elaboraet was updated.
3 years ago
elaboraet 3 years ago

No update today, just a vert align adjustment

Mhm, I guess it's a minor touch. I guess I'll keep Moon for now. Hey, looks great at least!
1 like
That's right, I remember seeing a CSS trick for Firefox, userChrome method or something similar. Wouldn't an update wipe it out, though?
1 like
nohappynonsense 3 years ago

It prob would, yeah. But I'd imagine you could just retain the code and copy paste it as needed? Tabs on top don't bother me much so I've never looked into the fix too much

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I'm in another one of those moments...Should I use Pale Moon or Firefox? I had Pale Moon freeze for a solid five seconds trying to load an Imgur gallery just now, but Firefox doesn't have a tabs-on-bottom feature :(
thatwhitehand 3 years ago

If its compatible with your system you can try Arctic Fox, Pale Moon but with the bugs worked out.

nohappynonsense 3 years ago

i believe you can do tabs on bottom with a custom CSS style for firefox, no?

elaboraet was updated.
3 years ago
I love your latest blog post "Light in the Dark." A transcendant or guiding purpose, whatever it is, always justifies patience and endurance. Too many today have lost any sense of a purpose and live in a daze, as if dead, and then consume entertainment and junk trying to fill that void a missing purpose left.
letslearntogether 3 years ago

Thank you! Indeed. That is a very good point! I am often reminded of a famous Nietzsche quote, to paraphrase: "If I have a why, then I can endure any how." Without a clear why, many seem to be drifting through life, and the "bread and circuses" only serve to further distract them from their purpose. Unfortunately, when someone feels "burnt out" from the toil of the day, they can think of little else...

letslearntogether 3 years ago

...consuming some "junk" (food, drugs, media) before they go to bed and repeat the process again the next day. This is a cycle that I hope I can help everyone to break, including myself. Thanks again!

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CreatedAug 26, 2018
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