The Finel Count Dan

471 updates
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I have no idea how y'all make good looking site buttons
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scootarooni 8 months ago

I just used photopea but I've seen other people use mspaint or aseprite if they have it. sadgrl and hekate also have button makers! ( and

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i like your sites colors and font!!
solaria 8 months ago

i also like your media reviews! I dont watch/read/play a lot of things, but if i wanted to your guide would be greate for starting out

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finel 8 months ago

Thank you!! I don't think my opinions should be anyone's guide but I am glad you like it. I love your site as well! I spent a while yesterday just looking through a lot of it. I really adore your art (especially that one piece with the moss around the canvas- incredible), also your about page has so much personality, I love that.

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Your site is very nice! I love your art (and I always appreciate a fellow bot enthusiast)!
phantomrats 7 months ago

Thank you so much, your site is really sick too! :]

finel 8 months ago

Editing straight in the neocities editor (being lazy) comes with the consequences of neocities posting an update whether I add new pages or just play around with divs to see what happens :/

finel 8 months ago

To be fair I did add several new pages this time around I am just talking in general.

finel 8 months ago

Finally wrote down the plot of one of my original projects and I need to add more art but the page is up lets go!!!!

Your website looks so pleasant to the eye, I love the colors and how well organised it is! And the media log is a cool way of sharing what you like with the world (I see you also found something captivating in Rain World xD)
finel 8 months ago

Thank you!! (The trick was use previous art I did as background and color pick from it for the rest of the site). I think your website is so pretty, the theme looks so good and the little cat on top is adorable! (Rain world has dominated my life for half of the current year I love that game)

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finel 9 months ago

Oh what's this? (some) art is up? yippie!!

finel 9 months ago

Added a links page (only has a few archives and twine resources at the moment) and alt text to all images.

Thanks for the follow!!! Loooove how ur site looks so far, so stylish!! Also using an iframe for the nav bar is so smart. I'm 100% gonna steal that idea lol. I love your media log, that's such a cool way to track things you've seen/played/read/etc and your thoughts on it.
finel 9 months ago

Thank you!! I love your site so far too!! The enter gif is very cute. I love your artstyle (and soren page). And I am excited to try out your games when I get the time for it since they seem very interesting! The iframe took me like a whole day to figure out (still pretty much an html newbie) I kinda very glad someone noticed that.

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJul 25, 2023
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personal art videogames lgbtq