Installing Gildedware...

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Added comment sections on index (which will replace the guestbook, ill remove it tomorrow), works and my blog!
ninacti0n 1 month ago

Oh heck- this is pretty wild! It was saying something about new accounts having issues with it, but did you have any? This seems nicer than my guestbook :'] Also maybe a bit more practical too

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How wonderful to see another brazilian artist + petz player!
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solflo 1 month ago

pior que faz tanto tempo q eu não jogo petz..... sdds dos meus bichinhos

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Sitemap is up (after this site has existed for nearly 3 years LOL)!
2024 gallery is now up!! I also added my latest image to my index page!
gildedware 1 month ago

Converting previous galleries to the new code one by one...

pixelglade 1 month ago

Really love the textures, colours, and composition on the one with the sunflowers. Good to see your new artwork!

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gildedware 1 month ago

Thank you so much!!

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Your page on 2ch cats brought me back!! I LOVED watching the Shii's Song animation back in the day (2005 I believe, but I don't know when exactly it was posted) It'd be a lovely addition to the animation list I think!:
gildedware 1 month ago

I actually had no idea Shii was an actual character until I saw your site, haha

nonexistentfandomsfandom 1 month ago

Thanks! I already knew about Shii's Song and I've been meaning to add it, I'll try to get to it soon!

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OKAY I redid my blog section by hand, added a 404 not found page, and gave each page on my website a different accent color + header text (I learned you can use layer modes like multiply on text with css!! thats insane!!), next step is to deal with the two main behemoths on my site: the OC directory and the art galleries
gildedware 1 month ago

I am once again trying new gallery codes

I really like zonelets, but I think I'm gonna remake my blog by hand... Mostly because then I can use my default layout which is mobile responsive (something that's important to me on my site)
pixelglade 1 month ago

I've been thinking of doing the same thing but mainly so the layout with the nav bars match the rest of the site. Initially I didn't have those but the more I think about it, it is one thing that is inconsistent with my site. I wish you the best of luck, it seems like a daunting task.

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Last updated 4 hours ago
CreatedOct 15, 2021
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art personal webcomic comics ocs