Installing Gildedware...

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Finally figured out how to put hyperlinks in my gallery captions! This means I can actually link to people when crediting them for OC art. Such a small thing and a small fix but this had been bothering me for a while and I'm really happy I fixed it :)
gildedware 2 months ago

It was such a simple fix too, it was something related to the quotation marks (hyperlinks need " which was already in use by the caption tag so I switched that one to ' after seeing another gallery code earlier today)

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Just did a major revamp of my links page: now every link is neatly sorted into a table together with a description to give visitors further context. I also fixed and added a bunch of new site buttons! if you don't see yourself there and would like to be in, leave a comment!
gildedware 2 months ago

I've also tweaked the CSS so that all links become underlined when hovered over in all pages

New blog post! My reaction to the shit going down on Tumblr rn (and the wider internet as well)
pixelglade 3 months ago

Oh no, not more generative AI. ☹️ Honestly I'm barely hanging onto those sites by a thread at the moment. If they do implement it I think I'll leave for good. That's a real shame, but we're happy you're still here.

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Manually created a tag system for my blog! I like having a tag system up, makes things nice and tidy
Opening the newest section to my site: my blog! Despite having a tumblr for 11 years i never actually used it as a blog proper, so personal site blog it is haha
gildedware 5 months ago

I'll be putting all sorts of thoughts and rambles there, including stuff on the development of my stories and characters!

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webcatz 5 months ago

holy shit congratulations on getting engaged!!!

gildedware 5 months ago

Thank you!!!!!!

pixelglade 5 months ago

Congrats on the engagement. Hope the UI/UX career transition works for you. I'm still trying to get my foot in somewhere graphic design related. 🤞

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Last updated 6 hours ago
CreatedOct 15, 2021
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art personal webcomic comics ocs