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There are a lot of websites I've followed over the last 5 years and I think some of them might be underage. Maybe I missed information in an about me page, maybe there wasn't information about their age in the first place but if I catch a journal entry that mentions highschool I'm going to unfollow. I don't really know how to go about this besides frankly stating that I don't want to be interacting with anyone under
grossgirl94 3 weeks ago

18 and I don't want anyone under 18 interacting with me. Your life is different from mine and that's okay👌 and I know I really can't stop someone from following me but I am going to be making it more clear about people I'm not trying to share with. This also goes the same with any pages that support Israel, transphobia, racism and especially white supremacy, fascism, misogyny ect.

grossgirl94 3 weeks ago

This website is literally just for me and definitely not for you.

grossgirl94 3 weeks ago

And I realize I'm not outspoken on here about subjects that are meaningful to me and I think that's why it might make people I don't want to associate with feel comfortable in following me but I need that to pretty much stop right now.

chipsfunfun 3 weeks ago

based yeah okay!! I'll unfollow.

chipsfunfun 3 weeks ago

I don't support any of that shit but I wont break boundaries

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CreatedMar 9, 2019
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