❀ fairyland ❀

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Thank you for the follow! Beautiful site ^_^
inkcaps 3 months ago

Aww thank you for checking it out, happy to hear you like it! :D <3

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What name do we like for the Neopets weblisting?? I keep going back to the Rainbow Pool or Rainbow Fountain, but feel free to throw any suggestions my way!
nenrikido 3 months ago

I like Rainbow Fountain!! I'm partial to Faerieland themed things, so for other suggestions, maybe Healing Springs? Although that could be vague...Super Attack Pea would be good for something silly and nostalgic. Faellie Cake could be cute too, since it's a starter item. Or maybe The Kadoatery, or a Tarla reference...many possibilities! But Rainbow theme sounds great :)

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gildedware 3 months ago

Rainbow Fountain is so cute!! It's an iconic location from the site :D

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solar-cyber-punk 3 months ago

I cast my vote for Fountain!

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pixalina 3 months ago

i like rainbow fountain!

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angeleyesprings 3 months ago

Rainbow Fountain like everyone else said, I'll suggest Kiko Lake because whynot?

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inkcaps 3 months ago

Thank you so much for the suggestions everyone, I think I'm gonna go with Rainbow Fountain!! I wanted it to be like an iconic location that we can all congregate around, and the rainbow theme allows for a lot of cute styling opportunities! I associate Neopets with those bright colors anyway. Yayyy, can't wait to get this bad boy going! ;u; <3

inkcaps 3 months ago

Kiko Lake is cute, but alas, if only I liked Kikos more sjfld "OTL I'll have to stick a Super Attack Pea in somewhere though!

Thank you for following me!! Your pixel art is lovely and I love how detailed your gardening guide is as well, will definitely be referring back to it this spring for my own! * __ * <3
dreambubble 3 months ago

Thank you so much for the compliment and for reading my writing :) Please let me know if you need any gardening help!!

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Hello once again, here's my response to the week of February 12th's prompt! ;u
alicebluef0f8ff 3 months ago

Beautiful entry, really evocative.

tehuan 3 months ago

wow that was wonderful. beautiful job, i could really feel n see everything

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inkcaps 3 months ago

@aliceblue you're so kind, thank you so much for reading!! ♡♡

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inkcaps 3 months ago

@tehuan ahhhh that means a lot, I appreciate your comment!! My hope was for the reader to connect with the emotion tied to the imagery--thank you!! :D ♡

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inkcaps 3 months ago

Just posted for this week's Muse Ariadne prompt! This is my first time sharing my creative writing on Neocities so I'm very scaredcited haha ( ;∀ ;)

jeith 3 months ago

the threshold writing is amazing! i've always thought your way of writing throughout the whole site is so neat and unique, it makes sense that you're good at creative writing :3

inkcaps 3 months ago

@jeith you are such a sweetheart that I could cry! You don't know how much your words mean to me, like truly. ; __ ; Creative writing is one of my biggest passions(tm) so it's a joy to hear that you enjoy what I create! Thank you so much for your kind words!! ♡♡

I think my next big project will be creating and organizing the Neopets listing/clique/club etc... I've never hosted one before, does anyone have any advice? (˵ •̀ ᴗ •́ ˵ ) ✧
angeleyesprings 3 months ago

If it's a webring, this really helped with the base code ->

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inkcaps 3 months ago

@angeleyesprings thank you for sharing this, the onionring seems like a super useful tool! I intended on making this a listing rather than a ring, but it IS fun to be able to connect and loop through the pages with a widget, so who knows at this point! Thank you for sharing though! * __ * ♡

ophanimkei 3 months ago

Listings are way easier to manage than rings :-) Yet I am married to webrings because webring management is just so fun for me. It can be a bit exhausting managing them after a while- don't feel bad if you get behind. Sometimes the emails can be overwhelming so I use webhooks for management now though form services like 123forms have more protection against-

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ophanimkei 3 months ago

spam and trolls. so keep that in mind!

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inkcaps 3 months ago

@mala thank you so much for the advice!! A form of sorts might be a good idea... I think for now I'll move forward with the webring idea since this is my first time running anything like this!! ;u;

Your site is so fun to explore!! I appreciate how candid your writing is, thank you for sharing it with us! <3
cheytopia 3 months ago

Wow thank you so much!! Your site is so stunning and cozy. So happy to meet you :)

1 like
inkcaps 3 months ago

@cheytopia happy to meet you as well, can't wait to see how your website grows! ♡

1 like
Hiiii, this is such a cool project that I'd love to join! Here's a link to my page and to my button!! thank you for hosting this!! <3
tehuan 3 months ago

ahh wonderful to have you !! adding you now ^)^

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Thank you so much for following me and your kind comment on my guestbook! Your site is adorable so far and I can't wait to see what you do with it!! ;u; <3
cloveratelier 3 months ago

ahh thank you so much, im glad you've enjoyed what i've cooked up so far hehe ;w;

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inkcaps 3 months ago

Slapped a few more picrews to my about page and images to my GPOY page, but my big additions are on Princess Guard! Added lots of old web fanart and icons!~ ♡

inkcaps 3 months ago

OH, and because creating it took less time than I thought, I made a page for a writing club here on Neocities, Muse Ariande! Here's a link to it if this is something you might be interested in :D


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