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inkcaps 2 weeks ago

Added some new picrews/dress up games to my about, and added a few new movie reviews to my media log!

amivicky 2 weeks ago

I love that you have a picrew section! So cute <3

inkcaps 2 weeks ago

@amy thank you so much!! They're so fun to do so I thought it would be nice to have a place to stick them. The one you used in your about section is too adorable so I had to include it as well, haha! ;u;

getcubed 2 weeks ago

that pokemon picrew omg.. i am having a lot of fun with it haha

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inkcaps 2 weeks ago

@tillie okay RIGHT, I was having a blast with it too... it's SO cute and I love how the colors coordinate!! * __ *

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inkcaps 3 weeks ago

Changed the blurb of my loves page AND I'm treating you all to a late night diary entry yeah!!

strangetowngirl 2 weeks ago

the layout of this page is beautiful!

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inkcaps 2 weeks ago

@strangetown ahhh thank you Katie!! It's my favorite of my blog layouts... I'll be a little sad when I have to archive this one for summer, haha! ;w; <3

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cheytopia 2 weeks ago

If you care to share what classes are you most excited about taking??

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cloveratelier 2 weeks ago

Your thoughts on how academia is structured is something which resonates a lot with me, it really makes it difficult to do anything beyond the choices you made at a much earlier time when you may have been more unsure of yourself ;__;! Best of luck with all your grad school app work!

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inkcaps 2 weeks ago

@chey ooh honestly I'm hyped for all of them, but I'm really excited for my ceramics class! I've never taken anything like that before and I'm sure it'll be really fascinating! * __ *

inkcaps 2 weeks ago

@kiley, right, and it's honestly a shame because I feel like your late teens and early twenties is an awesome time for personal exploration, but many often feel pressured to be locked into a certain path! My bachelor's degree is in English and the flexibility of it makes pivoting easier, but I really feel those who studied something like engineering or accounting only to realize they hate it ; __ ;

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inkcaps 3 weeks ago

Did some maintenance stuff + added more items to my bucket list and reversed bucket list/accomplishments!

inkcaps 3 weeks ago

Yahoo, I created a new page! Come read all about my bucket list!!--And please tell me if we share any dreams! :D ♡

angeleyesprings 3 weeks ago

You have so many good dreams, especially the travel and dissertation ones!

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inkcaps 3 weeks ago

@angeleyesprings you're so sweet, thank you Amy!! Stuff the PhD and dissertation are definitely long-term, but it would be so wonderful to give back and contribute to our pool of knowledge, you know?? ;o;

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angeleyesprings 3 weeks ago

What kind of PhD were you looking at? Btw idk if you're taking bucket list suggestions, but please check out some east coast beaches and the Appalachian mountains. (I noticed Savannah too tho lol)The mountains clear your soul lol, lots of people love AirBnb trips to Asheville, NC!

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cheytopia 3 weeks ago

What a beautiful list! I love how specific it is.

inkcaps 3 weeks ago

@angeleyesprings ooh the specifics regarding that I'm keeping on the DL! Trying to "move in silence" and not announcing specifics before they're set in stone (been keep lots of things quiet with my IRLs), but you shall find at some point someday, haha! ;u; Your suggestions sound so lovely though, I actually would love to visit the Appalachians!! <3

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inkcaps 3 weeks ago

@cheytopia thank you so much!! I find the more specific something is, the easier it is for me to ground myself and execute a plan!

xandra 3 weeks ago

awesome list!! <3 i hope you get to do all the things!!!

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salixx 3 weeks ago

this is lovely and joyful! I'd also love to make stained glass, have a beautiful permaculture garden and see a solar eclipse :) Also wow, synchronous fireflies lottery - I hadn't heard about that before but it's fascinating!

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manyface 3 weeks ago

this is such a hopeful lovely page!! it makes me really happy to read!!! i hope you get to do all of these things :D i've definitely done some of them myself hehe

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cloverbell 3 weeks ago

what lovely dreams! this makes me want to make a bucket list too ^_^ i'd also like to go to Japan and adopt a pet rabbit... and find a four leaf clover! I always look for one when i come across a clover patch. I've attended plenty of figure drawing classes so let me know if you want any advice on that front hehe

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cloveratelier 3 weeks ago

This is such a cool list! I was wanting to make stained glass and ceramics too, it looks like a lot of fun– I hope you can get the chance to do that sometime in the near future!

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inkcaps 3 weeks ago

@xandra thank you so much, I do too!! I'm committing to making it happen!! ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ

inkcaps 3 weeks ago

@salixx ahhh thank you, it makes me happy to hear that it comes across as joyous! How wonderful you want to do those things too, I know you will at some point! ♡ The synchronous fireflies are fascinating, right? Seeing them would be utterly magical honestly ; __ ;

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inkcaps 3 weeks ago

@manyface thank you, it makes ME happy to hear you felt that way while reading it! It makes me excited for what the future holds! ;u; ♡

inkcaps 3 weeks ago

@cloverbell you should make one!! Tbh I find goal setting and laying out dreams like this to be really invigorating. It allows you focus and visualize on what it is you want!! And also it would be fun reading yours as well ;u; Even after all these years I still have my four-leaf clover. They're really special so I hope you find one in your next clover patch!! ♡♡

inkcaps 3 weeks ago

@cloveratelier thank you Kiley!! They're both such fascinating crafts, right? I've actually enrolled in a ceramics class so that's on the docket for me, but hopefully you join and try for yourself soon!! ⊂((・▽・))⊃ ♡♡

WELL what do you all like using for your guestbook! It seems like there a number of options and I'm curious to hear what people like! :o
piranhebula 3 weeks ago

I did hear of one called SmartGB that looked potentially similar in functionality? Definitely would be curious to see what other options there is though too!

cyberneticdryad 3 weeks ago

I've been using smart guestbook since I started my site and have been pretty happy with it!

gildedware 3 weeks ago

I myself use ayano's comment widget with ultraguest as a backup!

angeleyesprings 3 weeks ago

I started using HTML Comment Box as of today!

manyface 3 weeks ago

we just switched to smartgb! it seems really similar to 123 so far!

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divergentrays 3 weeks ago

Still trying to figure out what to switch to but I was so surprised when I searched for website guestbooks and found *so many*!

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inkcaps 3 weeks ago

Thank you all for the suggestions so far, this is great! I might experiment with a widget of sorts, but SmartGB seems like a good option if that falls through!

inkcaps 3 weeks ago

@divergentrays it's surprising right, and a bit overwhelming too when trying to narrow one down!!

cloverbell 3 weeks ago

I really enjoy html comment box because I can embed it on my site and customize it to my hearts content ^_^ and it lets you filter words, review comments before they are posted, quickly reply, etc very handy features…

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inkcaps 3 weeks ago

@cloverbell ahhh you're definitely selling me on it, how customizable it is seems really nice! I think I'm going to give it a whirl!

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cloverbell 3 weeks ago

yes!! let me know if you need help with customizing it :D and also since you mentioned you have a hard time replying to comments, HTMLcommentbox makes it really easy cause you can stay signed in and simply click reply on each comment to respond ^^ I have it on my site if you’d like to see what it looks like!

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inkcaps 3 weeks ago

@cloverbell honestly being able to stay logged in will tip me over the edge of trying it out. Having that path of least resistance always makes doing things like that so much easier. Thank you for offering to help with styling as well, you're so sweet!! I'll definitely hit you up if I need it :D <3 <3

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mutterbutter 2 weeks ago

I've personally been using a post on dreamwidth as my guestbook - I feel like it's more secure. dreamwidth and guest users can comment there as well

NOOOO I just saw the news about 123guestbook ; __ ; I'm bad at replying to messages people leave, but each one is a treasure that means a lot to me! The plan before the shut down is to respond to the rest, and then figure out an alternative!
piranhebula 3 weeks ago

Ah man I'm just finding out about this here! Gonna screenshot/archive what messages I got before using another alternative too ;o;

inkcaps 3 weeks ago

@screenshotting and archiving them is a great idea, I'll do the same! Please let me know if you find an alternative you like as well ; __ ;

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inkcaps 1 month ago

FINALLY added to new pictures to my photo log, updated my outfit log, and added a new member to the Rainbow Fountain! Kachow! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ

maplebear 1 month ago

'the most comfortable brown loafers in the world' is exactly what i've been looking for over a year!! ;_; what brand is yours? (also, the outfit sounds sooo cute!!)

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inkcaps 3 weeks ago

@tabi apologies for the delay in answering this, but mine are from Born!! They're totally worth the money--I hope you find a pair that you like! ;u;

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Hi there, I hope you're doing well! :D I was wondering if you would be interested in joining my fanlisting for active Neopets players! It aims to keep webmasters and players connected. There's no pressure at all to join, but since seeing your shrine I thought I would let you know in case you were interested! Take care! ;u; ♡
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hillhouse 1 month ago

hi!! tysm for the invite, i just emailed in the survey answers!! <3

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inkcaps 1 month ago

I rambled too long about my reread of The Great Gatsby ..........

lavenderblues 1 month ago

there’s no such thing as rambling for too long about the great gatsby. i need to reread this book after my exams because i feel like I missed a lot of the subtext (T-T)

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@lavenderblues you should check it out again when you have the chance, it's rich with this kind of stuff!

mutterbutter 1 month ago

I haven't read gatsby in a while but I have re-read it as an adult already and it really is beautiful! I remember being told in high school that Nick was an extremely reliable narrator because he vouches for himself at the beginning and being very confused when I actually read the book. Why were we being taught that??

inkcaps 1 month ago

Just adding a new review (this time with actual words!)--maybe I'll do more around this site tonight or tomorrow, who knows


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