❀ fairyland ❀

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inkcaps 1 month ago

Princess Guard got a big update today--I added to the gallery of official artwork and old web treasures, and I wrote a big essay about why I love Cloud/Aerith as ship so much (lmao) (´。• ω •。`) ♡

inkcaps 1 month ago

OKAY I finally updated my button wall after a million years--let me know if I've missed yours so I can add it!! (˵ •̀ ᴗ •́ ˵ ) ✧

pixalina 1 month ago

i love how it's organized by color! i've been lazy with adding buttons but i'll add yours now :)

getcubed 1 month ago

(if it's not too much, i have a new button that looks slightly less messy than my old one lol)

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vivarism 1 month ago

yesss the colour sorting is so cute!!! even better than alphabetical or favouritism tbh. it screams attention to detail... very aes!!!!

inkcaps 1 month ago

@pixalina aww thank you for adding mine! And I totally understand that, I get super lazy about adding buttons and then all of a sudden there's an influx I need to add! ;u;

inkcaps 1 month ago

@tillie not too much at all, I just swapped it out for the new one! :D

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@vivarism thank you so much!! That was the goal even though I need to reorganize them in the last few rows... it's fun doing it this way though!!

Wow, I'm amazed I've never seen your website before, it's absolutely gorgeous! The sage is so soothing, and the interactivity is amazing. The work you went into is evident!! ♡
lostlove 1 month ago

your site is so magical im in love

1 like
inkcaps 1 month ago

@lostlove you're so sweet, thank you for checking it out!! ♡♡

I love our little community here so much sfdsdf (´。• ω •。`) ♡♡♡
mypillowfort 1 month ago

tbh a big reason i prefer nekoweb is because theres no social part - but at the same time damn i really miss yall TwT

ophanimkei 1 month ago

Same. I love everyone here even fi I'm a bit reclusive nowadays :-)

inkcaps 1 month ago

@ophanimkei always happy to see you on my feed!! ♡

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inkcaps 1 month ago

My very first travel log is up! If you check out, please tell me what you think! What you thought sounded interesting, what food looked good... I'd love to hear!! (°◡°♡)

inkcaps 1 month ago

ALSO, let me know if the Alpha PNG is too obtrusive while reading, I wasn't sure! (while I'm here, I'm learning in real time that you probably shouldn't open an image link in an iframe... will see if how to have it open in a new nab whoops)

cloveratelier 1 month ago

Your log is looking great, I'm glad you had a great time in New York even though there were a few bumps at the start!! Those paintings in the MoMA looked gorgeous– particularly those panels of Monet's water lilies!

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maplebear 1 month ago

love love love your travel log !!

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cheytopia 1 month ago

What a fabulous trip! I also LOVEDD the Brooklyn museum when I went. It's one of my most favorite memories. I feel you on how the age of some of those pieces are so staggering! This was immature but when no one was looking I took my chance to quickly and lightly touch a 5000 year old sarcophagus. It was beautifully overwhelming. I'd have loved to have seen that place setting exhibit! I'm glad you had a good trip :)

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percevalprintpress 1 month ago

Oh wow! I've been before but never been to Moma - this makes me want to go back!

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@kiley thank you!! I'm happy that everything smoothed out in the end too. The MoMA had so many treasures, but Monet's water lilies was a treat especially!! His sense of color is so amazing! ;o; ♡

inkcaps 1 month ago

@tabi THANK YOOUUUU that means a lot considering your recent diary entry was what kicked my butt in gear with making this!!

inkcaps 1 month ago

@cheytopia our decision to go to the Brooklyn Museum was spur of the moment but it was wonderful to explore!! Reading about your experiences at the museum made me smile too, and they're totally understandable--when you're face to face with an object as old as that it's like... really powerful! It puts your own life and lifespan into perspective tbh!!

inkcaps 1 month ago

@cheytopia The Dinner Party is a permanent display at the museum, so when you return someday, it's a must-see! You can spend a ton of time at that installation alone ♡♡

inkcaps 1 month ago

@percevalprintpress if you're back in NYC, then it's a must-see! The museum itself is an architectural feat and beautiful too!!

notprincehamlet 1 month ago

the dinner party sounds AMAZING, especially the part about it including “low” forms of art associated with femininity. indeed, fiber art pieces are just as worthy of being displayed in museums!! the craftsmanship and time it takes to create a piece of embroidery… there’s nothing “low” about that! all in all, it was lovely to read about your trip and I’m glad you got to spend time with your family ♥♥♥

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getcubed 1 month ago

looks like a packed 5 days! i can't believe i didn't know about the dinner party before! sounds so so cool

inkcaps 1 month ago

@marina 100% with you!! By The Dinner Party focusing on art forms historically dominated by women, it furthers the point it's trying to make to begin with! Really beautiful stuff--and thank you so much for reading, it makes me happy hearing you enjoyed it!! :D ♡♡

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@tillie We really made the most of our time there, it was nice! And I HIGHLY recommend looking more into The Dinner Party, each place setting is incredibly detailed and full of thought, care, and symbolism. I didn't know about it either until learning about the museum, and it's for sure a new fave! ;o; ♡

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inkcaps 1 month ago

Still a WIP, but the page for my travel log is up! It feels pretty distinct from the majority of my site, but I wanted to do something different! ;u; Baby's First iFrame Experiment Too ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ

jeith 1 month ago

I'm loving the layout ^_^

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getcubed 1 month ago

looking so cute already!!

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notprincehamlet 1 month ago

this layout is so cute! i'm looking forward to reading about your adventures <33

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@jeith thank you!! I'm really enjoying the simplicity of it at the moment ;w; ♡

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@tillie thank you so much!! I'm hyped to actually begin writing about my trip! :D

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@marina you're so sweet, thank you!! ♡♡ I hope to have my entry about my NYC trip up in a few days!!

mutterbutter 1 month ago

Wow this is beautiful!! I love the sunflowers in the background

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@mutterbutter thank you so much!! I wanted the page to feel very cheerful, and the sunflowers really help with that!!

Let's pause and remember that today's Homestuck day
homepc 1 month ago

oh my god i will celebrate

starsprings 1 month ago

kick it barack

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Thank you for following me, each of your webpages are full of personality!! * __ *
Thank you for following me! Your art is adorable, along with your website's graphics! ;w; Can't wait to see what you add next! <3
smallsketch 1 month ago

Omg thank you so much! Your whimsy was incredible to explore, so that means a lot coming from you!! <3 !!!

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me sitting here with my whimsical website: My Site Needs More Whimsy
pixalina 1 month ago

you're the whimsiest!

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@jeansgurl98 so glad you can relate, especially when your site is as whimsical as yours

inkcaps 1 month ago

@pixalina ahhhh nooooo you are!! ;w;

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CreatedJul 13, 2023
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magic personal diary lolita fairytales