
2,753 updates
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Kalechips was updated.
9 months ago
kalechips 9 months ago

Well I FINALLY wrote that blog post about the image gallery so that's that

kalechips 9 months ago

And then some accessibility-oriented code snippets: Skip to content and CSS light/dark mode

Kalechips was updated.
9 months ago
I republished my accessibility rant - I had taken it down a while ago because it's not very well-written (it's a rant, after all) and I wanted to revisit it. But I stand by what I said and the rewrite is taking a while, so it exists again!
punkwasp 9 months ago

I second the point about autoplay at the end - it makes me so confused when I open up a webpage and it starts autoplaying music or something, or even making sounds when I hover over links (though that's at least easier to figure out where it's coming from)! Very good post

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debtdeath 9 months ago

whole heartedly agree with all of this. also always a bit puzzling to see retro web nostalgia stuff from people who weren't even born when that stuff was around but i digress. also yeah i hate autoplay. now that autoplay videos have become ubiquitous on news websites and other view/click farming sites there's literally nothing radical about autoplay on personal websites lmao

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Kalechips was updated.
9 months ago
kalechips 9 months ago

Me: coding my own guestbook when I have one that already works would be an inefficient use of my time. Me a week later: codes my own guestbook anyway

Hello! Since you expressed interest in my Discord server idea, I just wanted to let you know that it exists now. You can read about it here: so you can decide if you're still interested or not. No problem if you decide not to join - just wanted to give you a head's up!
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gildedware 9 months ago

Wonderful, thank you so much!!!

Interest check was a success, and I just finished putting together the Discord server! I made a landing page that you can read to decide if you want to join or not:
Kalechips was updated.
9 months ago
Interest check time! I am absolutely complete pure shit at making friends but would really like to get to know folks around here better. I was pondering the idea of a chill art/oc-centric 18+ (maybe 20+?) discord server (in the sense that membership would be restricted to adults, not that it would be a strictly nsfw thing), so here I am putting some feelers out to see if anyone would join such a server.
kalechips 10 months ago

(to be clear this is not a "friend server" because the whole point here is I want to make more friends! so if you're interested and we've never spoken before this please still say something lol)

runegod 10 months ago

interested ! though i am historically horrible at being active on discord

koinuko 10 months ago

I would be interested! ^_^

icecreampizzer 10 months ago

!! im also interested in joining :D i also wanna interact with more people HDJKD

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gildedware 10 months ago

I'd definitely be interested! I've been wanting more art and oc spaces for adults to hang out

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zelkova 10 months ago

I'm extremely interested but also tend to be shy as hell on discord (but again, VERY interested)

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owlroost 10 months ago

I'm interested! OC and art servers tend to be lovely, and I'd love to meet more folks from Neocities.

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symliadoo 10 months ago

im interested!! but i am also shy ;;w;;

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Kalechips was updated.
10 months ago
1 like
COMMENTS!!! I DID THEM!!! They should work pretty smoothly but please let me know if there are any bugs. Currently they're only available on the blog, but I'm working on adding them to the art gallery as well (which is up again, albeit in limited capacity).

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedMar 13, 2022
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art blog