welcome to da jungle

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Love the site so far. I am excited to hear about your experience on the AT. I am looking to do SOBO next summer. Hoping I can learn some things from you.
kipgoesoutside 3 weeks ago

Thank you man! Your site is also very cool, I share your thoughts on a lot of things and appreciate the simple design. Definitely bookmarking and will be visiting again.

1 like
your website is SO cool!! i love how simple it is yet there are so many features that clearly a lot of thought went into. thanks for all the inspiration ^~^
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ciel 2 months ago

hi thank u this is so sweet!!! (my internet cut out as i tried to reply twice, utterly coconuts i know). i've been reading about atheopaganism from your site! it sounds cool :-)

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedMar 10, 2024
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neopaganism nature backpacking hiking