melancholic-entrails v2!!

4,469 updates
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thx for the follow love your site!! I also added yout button!!
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I was scrolling through this near my friend and he said that they should be characters in a shovel knight esque game, your site is sick!! good luck :D
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chaoticcrustacean 1 month ago

aaa this is so nice thank you!!! ^w^ one of these days i'm gonna get round to making an actual video game with these guys in...

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melancholic-entrails 2 months ago

aka me struggling with flexboxes (im getting there)(shoutout to owl)

oh, i adore this site so much..this is the kind of website i love. it doesnt have to be cluttered with ads and popups to get its idea across and it can run on pretty much anything. at the same time its obviously loved and handmade. zelda also has a special place in my heart, so this makes me happy. keep doing what you're doing and have fun :)
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IH MY GOD. OK. so, i was trying to use a website builder thing and i liked it w/e. i download the thing and paste it into my site. view. SHOCK. the file was titled index.html and i pasted it not knowing it would OVERRIDE my old index. so i thought i had LOST MY OLD STUFF. everything was replacable 'cept for my gifypet-made in honor of my dead cat, so i was worried- but it was on long story short be smart
melancholic-entrails 2 months ago

but LUCKIlyyy someone had uploaded my site to so a takeaway is dont upload files without thinking (what if they replace ur old file?). also upload to also have backups.

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aaah i love your site so much!!
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caesthoffe 2 months ago

thank you !!!!!!! :3c

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CreatedJul 24, 2022
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