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Random question folks, but I've heard of a Neocities Discord server. Is it worth the shot? Asking cause I personally dislike huge servers (mainly just use it for my close friends and a small server of ours), but I still like the thought of people sharing their web design journeys and being able to reach out for each other for tips. I'm curious to hear what you people have to say :]
soapfriendo 3 months ago

i've been wanting to join a webmastery related discord server tbh......but i also rly hate servers that have more than 100-ish members, rly sucks bcos i was thinkin abt joining dimden's server but i just can't handle ittt urggghghg

ninacti0n 3 months ago

Aghh, same here :'] The reason my friends' server worked is because there are only 15-20 people active every day, with 3-6 being the ones who make most interactions lol. I would love to join a niche community of web designers, but ye, same boat as you :'V

ninacti0n 3 months ago

The closest thing I've got was the Juice Bar BBS, but since most people in it are busy with life, the place is kinda dead for now .<. If anyone feels like creating a small community like that on Discord, I'll have to think about it

solaria 3 months ago

32 bit cafe has a discord server and discourse forum for that exact topic!

soapfriendo 3 months ago

replying to solaria, unfortunately it's 18+ so not everyone can join it

scarecat 3 months ago

the one I'm in is pretty small, but I get overwhelmed with huge servers like the official nekoweb one

datoxicwaltz 3 months ago

i just started a server and its not 2 popular :] u could join us and your friends 2 and then you dont have to deal with making a server and can just get all the good parts!

kryptonaut 3 months ago

Well, you could try Poppy's. There's a good chunk of inactive users mostly from curious people clicking the link on our sites but it's pretty much just me and around 10 or so active users. We mostly talk coding and rats and gay stuff.

ninacti0n 3 months ago

@scarecat Hm, is it a chill server? I may consider it if it's got chill people

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ninacti0n 3 months ago

@datoxicwaltz If it's one with good vibes and chill people, I'll consider it :] Do you know where I can find the join link?

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ninacti0n 3 months ago

@kryptonaut Hm, it indeed seems small- I'll think about it

troy-sucks 3 months ago

i have a discord server for the webring i run!!! (transing the internet :3)


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