Neon rust n' alien dust!

3,507 updates
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your site has so much style already aaaaaaaaaaa
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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Eee, thank you so so much!! :'D I'm super happy you enjoyed how my lil' space is turning out so far!! And btw, I realized you had a DA and wait- I actually KNOW you! You were one of my early followers there! Wow, your art has improved lots since then!! ^^ You can definitely rest assured I'm already intrigued by the worldbuilding in your page, and can't wait to see what you have in store for its future!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

With this update, I added a new background to my ENTER page and a few heads up on what you should expect from me and my projects! ^^

ninacti0n 1 year ago

Also wow- I didn't even notice and already passed the 6000 views milestone!! Thank you all so much who felt like checking my lil' internet corner out, and also felt like sticking around for what's to come! :'P

webcatz 1 year ago

god that enter page looks so cool!!! your art is so crisp and messy at the same time i love it <3

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@tealcrows Ohh, thank you so much Tz!! I'm glad you liked it, I spent a while working on it lol, and couldn't be happier with how it scrolls down! I'm also flattered you described my art as both crisp and messy, since I've been going towards those two exact vibes with my current style :'] It took me some time, but I'm finally happy with the way I paint nowadays!

So guys, how's the development of your web corners going? :] I've still got a lot to do, but I'm having lots of fun so far!
gildedware 1 year ago

I'm on the same boat!! Lots of stuff to finish still, but it's a lot of fun!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@gildedware Yeah, I can see that! I remember you had fixed an issue with your character library recently! Congrats for managing to do it! I'm also curious to read about your characters once you get to add their bios n' stuff!

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gildedware 1 year ago

@ninacti0n Thank you so much!! I'm super excited to read your stories!!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Oh, you're very welcome!! And eee, thank you so much!! I can't wait to put them all here!! :D

spacedorky 1 year ago

haven't updated in 3 months but I plan on changing that soon cause I have stuff I really wanna share (and prepare for) that I'd think would be really fun n cool, but I've been kinda sick so it's been slow

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@spacedorky Aw, it sucks you've been feeling unwell. Hope you get well soon! Take your time and don't rush yourself, I'm sure you'll be able to add all the cool stuff you've been planning as you feel better ^^ Your page is already super fun and I'm curious to see what you've got in store for its future! And even if slowly, those little changes are sure to make the difference!

spacedorky 1 year ago

@ninacti0n Yaa Thank you! I really love your site so far too! Looking forward to see a lot of your stuff! It looks so vibrant and neat! :D

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@spacedorky You're very welcome! And aww, thank you so much!! I'm super glad you enjoy all the colors and vibes :']

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Heya there! I added your button to my site! :D
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ninacti0n 1 year ago

It might not seem like I changed anything there, but believe me- I spent around two hours fiddling with the grid system and fixing the way my divs were behaving in it :'D I didn't think about using the devtools to see the grids when I was working on them, so that's why it was so messy before.

This might sound kinda funny, but I actually arranged you guys' buttons by color scheme! I just think they stand out a lot more near similar colors lol, plus it creates a cool effect! ^^
ninacti0n 1 year ago

I painted one of the first panels for the main page, which will have a bunch of fun (and mostly weird) science facts! I'll figure out a way to make various facts appear at random, so it's different every time you refresh the page! Oh, and I added some box shadows for a neon effect! :P

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

On another note, I downloaded your site buttons individually and changed the linking, so that they wouldn't be hotlinked. I'll also add more sites there soon! ;]

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Annnd before I forget- I'm doing progress with my sona's pagedoll! xD

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Finally fixed a margin problem with my paragraphs! And as usual, the page thumbnail ended up messed up xD

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oaaky 1 year ago

good to see you were able to fix it! looks great!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Thank you!! It won't be long until I add more cool things here! ^^

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Heya there! Welcome to Neocities! :D Wish you luck and lots of fun building your page! ^^
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clownbonk 1 year ago

thank you!! working on it right now :o)

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

You're welcome! :]

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Guys, I'm with a little problem: in my home page, there are those gaps on top of my containers that feel just like margin space. They don't help me out because they make me lose space inside the divs, but I'm clueless on how to remove them. Do any of you have any ideas on how I could fix that?
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clownbonk 1 year ago

have you tried setting padding to 0 or a neg number?

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oaaky 1 year ago

try setting the element's margin to 0. from inspecting your homepage, i think that might be your issue

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oaaky 1 year ago

same with like, other text elements like headers and stuff

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@Clownbonk I tried that, but it didn't work, sadly :'[ The space was still there... but thank you so much for trying to help me out, I'm super glad! ^^

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@Oaaky Ooh, I hadn't thought about the margins!! Thank you so so much!! ^^ I've just updated my page, and couldn't be happier to finally see the divs without that space!


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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art portfolio comic artist worldbuilding