
1,760 updates
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Point and click game coming together. :3 Have 1 page mostly done, and the rest will go faster... Not ready to share yet though!
Working on my click through game pages... It's kind of frustrating! I am having trouble with it... But learning a lot...
Added a shrine page to my old expages websites from the 90s. They link to all the old sites I could find that I made back then. They are very cute. I was not good at spelling, lol. View the page here (or go to maps->shrines: expage to view within my frames, which looks better) I styled it to look like an old expage.
Added an updated favicon. Started working on HM shrine page but haven't uploaded anything yet...
The techo kaigi page!! :0 I already follow your planner page on Insta, I just discovered! (*⌒∇⌒*)
Love your site! I'm curious how you get your "current" section to auto update? I've been wanting to have a simialr type of autoupdating section for things like the weather and time, but what I've found so far is bulky and kinda ugly.
sleepysprout 4 months ago

I don't. I manually input all changes that I do. It's kinda cathartic for me.

Very cute site!
doqmeat 10 months ago

thank you so much!! your site is so adorable as well i love the vibes <3

Your site has such a nice vibe. Can't wait to see more as you add on. :-)
inkcaps 10 months ago

Thank you so much, I can say the same about yours! The color palette is so pretty, and the layouts are fun as well. Love all the journaling stuff, too. Excited to watch the site grow!! <3

Hiii Ash! So fun to see you have a website here! I'm enjoying it so far. :-) We have followed each other for a long time online in various places (maybe starting with Livejournal?). I was beyourpet back then or maybe a different username. Anyway, happy to see you here! I found your page randomly after recognizing your username lol, small world! - Brittanie
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ashsabol 10 months ago

oh my gosh that's so cool to randomly find each other on here haha! but definitely makes sense! yay old internet :') just followed you back & excited to check out your site <3

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Currently listening to the weather channel from the 90s while I update some things on my site and avoid my actual work lol (〃 ω 〃)
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 6, 2023
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stationery blogging art photography personal