
1,760 updates
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Hey, jsyk I accidentally deleted your comment from my profile trying to like it :') sorry about that!
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petdiary 9 months ago

hehe no worries! ⛦◜▿◝

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Very cute design!
Added some categorization to the "art" menu. That's going to be a large project...
I spent a long time today making the graphics and page for my pets ( best viewed within frames on main site). I think it turned out really cute! What do you think? I have so many ideas of what I want to make and not enough free time to make it all. (ToT")
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Update from yesterday: Didn't do as much on the site as I hoped I would today... I added a page for my planners (view here, but I didn't get very far with it.
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Yesterday, I had allll day to play around on my website, but I was running up against a wall in terms of creativity and inspiration. Now, I need to be getting real work done, but I'm having a ton of ideas for my website. Funny how that works... (-_-")
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woahh i love your site layout.. im a huge fan of full height sidebars
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chromatics 10 months ago

and using a tumblr iframe for your diary is so smart tbh :]

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petdiary 10 months ago

Thank you! I'm also a big fan of them. I tend to use them in most of my layouts. (>u<")

I love my 404 page. :-) haha. It cycles through different images, but the Silent Hill one is my fave.
Just added some more ideas to my "shrines" page. These aren't created yet, but they will be eventually... I am very excited to make these. :-) What I have so far: harvest moon, american girl club, sakura, seasons, silent hill, rule of rose, dos games, virtual pets,, expage, planners, stationery
Added a webrings page and am currently looking into webrings to join... Is it a faux pas to have a page dedicated to webrings and not have them on the main page? They don't match my design! (T - T)"

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 6, 2023
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stationery blogging art photography personal