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that "don't be a phone chump, get a computer" 88x31 is so funny like i love the implication that A) if one is using a phone to view a website it means they must not already have a computer and 2. if one does not already have a computer it's because it simply never occurred to them that having one might be handy and not because they cost more money and aren't as portable as a phone
pinkvampyr 6 months ago

it's funny but also like stop. it's dumb and more importantly ignorant of disability and class status.

pinkvampyr 6 months ago

speaking as someone who did not have the money in my bank account to simply go out and buy a computer and relied on my phone for a while it was really annoying and it sucked. like I was aware that having a computer would have made things easier.

pinkvampyr 6 months ago

i get that these buttons are like snarky and cute but you're not saying anything groundbreaking you're just being kind of obnoxious and telling poor/disabled people they don't deserve to use your website if they can't get on a computer.

punkwasp 6 months ago

big agree, it just makes no sense to me

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cadeion 6 months ago

Not to mention like even if someone had both which device are they more likely to be on: the one they keep with them all the time everyday in their pocket or the one that’s usually an at home/at work device (at least in my case). Like I have both but especially after long days or days when migraines flare up I ain’t running over to use my laptop, I’m viewing everything on my phone more times than not. That shit sucks

nonkiru 6 months ago

ive never understood phone-user hostility :(

davemiller 6 months ago

I had it on my site and I always saw it as talking about using a computer over a phone when the options are presented to you. Saying, "Hey maybe get on your PC and get on Neo instead of scrolling social media on your phone in bed" (and yes being snarky since I too, scroll social media on my phone in bed like anyone else). I never saw it this way, but now that I have, I removed it from my site.

dabric 6 months ago

davemiller wonder if a "stop doomscrolling" button conveys that better. dunno if one already exists tho


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CreatedMar 13, 2022
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